We’ll identify the vulnerabilities in your network, systems and hardware, and recommend active steps toward hardening your security profile. 

The assessment includes:

Planning: We’ll agree which systems and networks will be assessed (including mobile and cloud), and identify with you where sensitive information is housed and which systems are most critical to your business operations.

Scanning: Our team will scan your systems and network using manual methods and software tools to identify security vulnerabilities. 

Reporting: We’ll report where your vulnerabilities are and where you’re most exposed to threats. Each vulnerability is ranked based on the data at risk, the severity of the flaw, and the damage that could be caused by a breach of the affected system. The idea is to quantify the threat, giving a clear sense of the level of urgency or risk behind each flaw and its potential impact.

Remediation: We’ll provide a remediation plan and roadmap to get your defenses up to snuff. The end result is a significantly lower risk profile and peace of mind.

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www.teknologize.com | Tri-Cities, WA 509.396.6640 | Bend, OR 541.848.6072